"Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability-2014"
June 2-7, 2014
Pushchino, Russia
in honor of Vladimir A. Shuvalov
International meeting
   Домой      Abstracts


Call for Abstracts

Please, make sure you have paid the registration fee before you submit your Abstract!

Submit your abstract for the International Conference "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability - 2014" in honor of Vladimir A. Shuvalov.

It is required to be a registered participant to submit an abstract (one abstract per participant). Abstracts will be accepted only when the full registration fee has been paid.

Please, send you abstracts by e-mail to Suleyman Allakhverdiev by April 15, 2014.

Instructions for abstract preparation

1. Format

a. Abstracts must be in English.
b. Each abstract is limited to one page A4 size. Leaving 3 cm for each of the left, right, and upper margins and 7 cm for the bottom margin.

c. Use the font Times New Roman of 12 pt in single spacing or equivalent.

d. Use superscripts and subscripts for chemical formulas and Greek symbols from “Insert symbol …(normal text).

e. Please do not include figures or tables in the abstract.

2. Session number

a. Each abstract must be identified with a Session number in the left hand top corner. e.g. S 1

b. Select from the Scientific Program (Topics) the session that represent your work best. Only one Session can be selected per abstract.

c. Please see below the list of Sections.

3. Very Important

Please Note: Powerful and good up-to-date papers, based upon this meeting presentations, will be selected, peer-reviewed and published in special issue of Photosynthesis Research.
Responsible for the special issue: Drs. Allakhverdiev SI & Carpentier R

4. Title

a. The title should be in full upper case Times New Roman 14 pt bold font.

5. Author(s) and Institution(s)

a. Use the normal font Times New Roman of 12 pt in single spacing or equivalent.

b. If the abstract has more than one author, use numerical superscripts to indicate those from different institutions.
c. Underline the name of the person presenting the lecture/poster (corresponding author). Include his/her full address, fax, and e-mail.

6. Abstract submission

a. Please submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment saved in Rich Text Format (*.rtf), or as a Word Document (*.doc) file to: Suleyman Allakhverdiev


< Abstract Style>

S1: (14 pt)

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(one line blank)

Elvin OKAZAKI1,*, Emilie QUEBEC2 and Sevil BAKU3

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1Institute of Basic Biological Problems, RAS, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia

2University of Québec, Québec, Canada

3Institute of Plant Physiology, RAS, Moscow, Russia

*Corresponding author : E-mail: elvin@someaddress.org; Fax: +7(496)7731134

(one line blank)

The text of your abstract ……


1.     Primary Processes of Photosynthesis

2.    Structure, Function and Biogenesis of the Photosynthetic Apparatus

3.    Photosystem II and Water Oxidation Mechanism

4.    Energy Transfer and Trapping in Photosystems

5.    Photosystem I and Bacterial Photosynthesis

6.    Carbon Fixation (C3 and C4) and Photorespiration

7.    Artificial Photosynthesis for Hydrogen and Carbon-based Solar Fuels

8.    Regulation of Photosynthesis and Environmental Stress

9.     Systems Biology of Photosynthesis: Integration of Genomic, Proteomic, Metabolomic and Bioinformatic Studies

10. Applied aspects of Photosynthesis: BioH2 and Bioelectricity

11. Emerging Techniques for Studying Photosynthesis